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Kind Words



        For myself, I’ve come on a journey from being lost to finding wholeness and stability within myself and real confidence.

This therapy for me was the beginning of confronting and letting go and also changing the way I think on a deeper level.

I’ve taken up meditation because for the first time I’m aware that I no longer need to hold on negative thoughts or feelings, and am entitled to a wholesome happy positive future.

Again these changes came slowly and with each change I was able to focus on bettering myself- this ranges from my attitude/confidence at work to having boundaries with my family and not feeling guilty of these decisions.

My life has got better and I do believe it was because of this therapy and the support and strong positive clear words from Christine. 

You are able to step into your future without the heavy baggage, you are able to confront a problem with confidence and also put a stop to using past issues hold you bk from a positive future.



       I  grew up with an abusive, bipolar mother and as a result, I have always felt angry around her. She triggered me to say the least and for years I have lived abroad to avoid her. 

Christine helped me with that. I knew before the session that the root was to be found in my childhood with my mum but it all became more clear when you are in the scenes and it is surprising how easily it was with the guidance from Christine.

I am now back and living only 10 km. away from my mother would normally stress me tremendously but I feel that Christine has given me greater coping skills. I even found myself being more kind to my mother and doing errands for her and buying her stuff. So if you have difficult people in your life, Christine can definitely help you!




         Christine really helped me to unlock the root cause of my issue - it was amazing how much one experience of from my childhood had impacted on my life and was stopping me from running my business efficiently. After the session, I was feeling quite tired and also a sense of calm. Since then I've been much more able to focus on one task, which is what I really wanted! I have also gradually found myself being more organised and it doesn't seem like an effort to do it anymore! I'm so pleased with the results and would highly recommend Christine. 

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